Okay, so this is how we are going to run this blog in the context of this class. People who are scheduled to post questions about the readings will post by 3:00 pm on the day of class. These questions will be a gateway into the seminar discussion. I don't know if it was obvious...but some of the readings assigned from Jan's syllabus were not for the lecture and class tonight, but for later. The readings we will be discussing are only on American Painting after World War II.
My questions, (and you need to post at least two!)
1. How does the Bauhaus continue to play a role in the 'mythemes' of abstract art? That is to say, how does the constant mythologizing of abstract art, from each repetition to the next, draw on the fundamental principles of Bauhaus?
2. What is the function of 'structuralism' in the context of 'modernism' and 'formalism'?
These are the questions we will ponder over our seminar tonight. I know much of the vocabulary is new and probably a little awkward, so be sure to ask anything of me and I will do my best to make it reasonably understandable. Some things to think of though for this seminar tonight: Who is the October group? What is semiotics?
I find a very reasonable way of thinking about the semiotics of artwork is to discuss what we mean when we say "what is the meaning?"
A suggested excercise for this is to define 'terrorism'.
What does it mean, how do we use this term, what do you think of when you hear the word? Come to class tonight ready to tell me the definition of terrorism.
See you guys tonight!
When/how are we signing up for our question date?
Everyone is going to present twice, the sign-up sheet went around, and looks as if 3 to 4 people will be presenting their querstions every week. So, let's gear the questions to be conduits into a good group discussion.
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