Monday, March 24, 2008

Zines Due Friday

Hello young witches and wizards of the visual art realms,

Our zines are due to me this Friday during the seminar class. They can be any format: online, collage, xeroxes, audio tapes, whatever, just have the six theoretical assignments ready to go:

1. create a readymade
2. manifest a sound poem or sound a manifesto
3. accompany a friend to work and observe them for 8 hours, draw conclusions
4. create a piece of right wing propaganda and destroy it immediately
5. write a one scene play with concise stage directions and dialogue for 2 actors
6. go on an overnight journey with a group of people and call it a happening the next day

Until we next meet,
Nathan Shafier
the Neo-Zine Master

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm doing a webpage for the zine. When are we supposed to show you what we have so far? In class tomorrow? After break?

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Nathan and all,

This zine is a little confusing to me and I really have no clue as to how to present it or show proof that I actually did it. Can we go over this in class tomorrow so I and probably the rest of the class are able to understand it a little better?