Wednesday, November 14, 2007

1.) In Carl Andre's response to Anonymous Sculptures he read the Becher's work as though it were primarily defined by its compulsive attention to serial repetition relating them to Minimalism and Post Minimalism aesthetics. Do you agree with Andre's on how he read the Becher's work or is there something that sets their work apart from the Minimalist/Post Minimalist ideas.

2.) When looking at Broodthaer's work, Especially the piece Pense Bete, where he takes his last fifty copies of a recent volume of poetry and plasters them together to transform them into a visual object. The text says: "Bloodthaer's action implicitly askes the spectator why he or she refused to be a reader and wished to become a viewer instead. Therefore his work would take as one of its key questions the status of the work of art as commodity." Do you agree that he work would fall under that catagory of a commodity, of something obsolete?

1 comment:

Nathan Shafer said...

These are great questions, I didn't see them before class tonight. I don't know how I could have missed these. Next class we have to talk about some of it a little bit.