Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Sedimentation of the Mind

I finished grading the midterms, and you guys for the most part did exceptionally well. I didn't grade on a curve because if I did, half of the class would be well over 100%. So I am very happy about that. Otherwise, I will give the tests back Thursday and if we need to discuss anything extra at that time, like extra credit, we can. Speaking of extra credit, you can do an essay paper for me to get 10-15 points added to your exams, but you have to talk with me about it first!

Other than that dark entropy magic, Robert Smithson's essay 'A Sedimentation of the Mind' was our only reading for this week. we will continue on into post-minimalist practices this week.

Think of

1) Earth art
2) site vs. non-site
3) social entropy
4) language as a material (even an industrial material)
5) Art and Objecthood by Michael Fried (this essay by Smithson spanks Fried like Richard Feynman spanked NASA for it's O-Ring Conspiracy)
6) language and communication (think semiotics)
7) the metaphor of rust, decay and the idea that things fall apart
8) anti-architecture, etc...

See you guys in class.

Professor Shafier,
and his Reptilian Familiar Ms. Lutembi

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